About us
We are non-professional tango dancers – it’s our hobby to dance and nothing more. We do not aim at becoming professional tango teachers. We gain exciting moments of our life from tango – dancing, feeling the music, getting close to each other, great friends and an interesting social interaction.
This is not what we want to connect with earning for living and to generate monetary profit. It is how we want to design our free time.
After 20 years in Latvia of Heidrun, 8 Tango Sun festivals in Jurmala and many other Baltic tango events we moved in 2014 to Hamburg to work and live in Germany. Three years we were busy getting established in our new home, at our work places, for Reinis in a new country – tango fell short. Now we are settled and have more time for tango – and a lot of fresh energy and new ideas.
We definitely carry our memories from the Baltic tango events with us and would like to build a bridge for our tango friends from the North Eastern part of Europe to Hamburg. We are starting slowly – lets see, what will evolve. In May 2018 we will set a sign of our presence with a little festivalito accompanying our wedding. May be it will be the start for more.
Come and dance with us in Hamburg! Its a great town and has a lot of nice tango clubs with good floors and nice atmosphere.