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Posts by Reinis

Workshops & Milonga with Luca Lamberti

7 – 8 June 2013 (Riga, Latvia)

7.-8. Jūnijā mums būs iespēja ieskatīties tango Itāļu gaumē ar slaveno DJju un tango pasniedzēju Luka Lamberti – gan milongas mūzikas virtuvē, gan dejošanas mentālajos un tehniskajos aspektos. Paredzētas nodarbības dīdžejiem, dejošanas muzikalitātei un līderu prātam un jūtām, protams, milonga ar lielisku mūziku un vēl kāds pārsteigums.
Nodarbības būs par pieņemamām cenām, pateicoties Eiropas Komisijas Kultūras un Izglītības aģentūras atlīdzībai!
Visā pasaulē pazīstams Itāļu tango vīriešu smalkums, skaistums un īsts džentelmeniskums tango un arī ārpus tā. Ne velti Itālijā tango dejo katrā ciematā, labākie tango komponisti ir Itāļu izcelsmes, ar iedzimtu muzikalitāti un labu gaumi! Nu mums būs, ko baudīt!

7-8 июня у нас будет возможность приобщиться к итальянскому танго – вместе с известнейшим DJ и преподавателем Лукой Ламберти – заглянуть на настоящую DJ-скую кухню, узнать об эмоциональных и технических аспектах танца в лучшем итальянском стиле. Мы запланировали урок для DJев, урок по музыкальности танца, урок «чувства и разум лидеров», разумеется, милонгу с прекрасной музыкой и, возможно, какой-нибудь сюрприз.
Цены занятий доступные – благодаря гранту Европейской Комиссии по культуре и образованию.
Весь танго мир знает, что итальянцы – самые элегантные и лучшие танцоры и джентельмены на танцполе и за его пределами. Недаром в Италии танго танцуют тысячи людей, практически в каждом городке, лучшие композиторы танго – итальянского происхождения, все это благодаря особой музыкальности и чувству прекрасного, свойственным этому народу. Предвкушаем море удовольствия!

On June 7th-8th we have the opportunity to look into Italian taste tango with famous DJ and tango teacher Luca Lamberti – into milonga music cuisine and into mental and technical aspects of Italian style dancing. The event plan includes a class for DJs, lessons for dancing musicality and leader’s embrace, mind and heart, then – of course – a milonga with super-music and also some surprise.
The lessons’ prices will be affordable thanks to European Commission Culture&Education agency sponsorship.
The whole world recognizes Italian tango men as the finest and most beautiful leaders, and real gentlemen in tango and afield! In Italy people dance tango in every village, the best tango composers always have Italian roots – all thanks to innate musicality and passion for beauty. Well, we are going to have something to enjoy!

The Schedule

Friday, June 7
18:00 – 20:00 Time for private lessons – by appointment
20:30 – 23:00 Open Air Milonga “Pie Klasika” in the Esplanade park, exactly near the Rainis monument –
If there is no rain!

Saturday, June 8
12:00-13:15 Milongero style and musicality – Basic technique Carnikava, Tautas Nams “Ozolaine”

13:30- 14:45 Milonga: Nice sequences – Basic technique Carnikava, Tautas Nams “Ozolaine”

16:30 – 17:45 The lesson for DJs! Controlling energy of the ronda and improvising with the music El Naranjerito,
Riga, Bruninieku iela 47

18:30 – 19:45 Musicality:
Broaden your vocabulary of movements, learn to recognize the musical phrases and use movements that fit best the music
Intermediate/Advanced level of leading
In Riga, the place to be determined later

20:00- 21:15 Rhythm:
Using syncope to get a new perspective of well-know figures
In Riga, the place to be determined later

22:30 – 2:00 Italian Milonga – DJ Luca Lamberti
Italian wines selection with 25% discount!
Tinto Vina Telpa
Elizabetes iela 61

The Prices:
A group lesson – 10 Ls per person
A private lesson – 22 Ls for one person, 33 Ls for a couple
DJ Lesson – 12 Ls

Event in facebook:


4 – 8 July 2013 (Riga, Latvia)
We cordially invite you dear tangueros and tangueras to the 3th anual Argentine tango festival in Riga – RIGA TANGO FIESTA 2013 on July  4 – 8, 2013.

Our maestros:
Maria Ines Bogado and Sebastian Jimenez (Argentine)
Anabela Brogioli and Christian Marquez “EL TOTI” (Argentine)

Live music: Orquesta PASIONAL (Russia)

Special guests:
Carlos Rodriguez and Brigita Urbietyte (Argentine/Lithuania)
Katarzyna Chmielewska and Mateusz Kwaterko (Poland)
Nigel Smith and Yulia Barbarika (France/Ukraine)

Ivars Ābelis (Latvia)
Semeon Kukormin (Russia)
Nigel Smith
Giedre Mataciunaite-Madsen
Natalia Orlova

12 workshops, 4 night festival milongas, 2 afternoon milongas as well as tango friends, hugs and kisses are waiting for you in Riga!

Organizer of the festival is one of the Argentine tango Baltic centres
an Argentine tango school HiTango (, that is developed on the basis of the Center of Culture and Sports “HiCentrs” (


Ideas for recreation and entertainment in Baltic countries:
July 4-8 Riga (Latvia) RIGA TANGO FIESTA 2013;
July 11-14 Tallinn, TANGO PORT TALLINN (Estonia)!
It’s great to have 2 festivals side by side!

Tango Port Tallinn 2013

11 – 14 July 2013 (Estonia, Tallin)


Estonia, Tallinn – Salme 12 (workshops)
Milongas with live music at various places in Tallinn

Veronica Palacios & Omar Quiroga (Argentina)
Inês Gomes & Rui Barroso (Portugal)
Brigita Urbietyte (Lithuania) & Carlos Rodriguez de Boedo (Argentina)
Kaja & Martin Keil (Estonia/Germany)

For the 3rd time already Tango Port Tallinn invites you to different places near the port as well the famous Old Town of Tallinn – a city that hides thousands of secrets in its romantic medieval heart. The festival is organised by NGO Tango Tallinn in cooperation with Tallinn Maritime Days.

This year the dancers of classical tango and tango nuevo can meet to have lessons and milongas with live music and world famous tango performers and teachers such as Veronica Palacios & Omar Quiroga (Argentina), Brigita Urbietyte (Lithuania) & Carlos Rodriguez de Boedo (Argentina) and two wonderful couples who pleased us with their presence also at Tango Port Tallinn 2012 – Inês Gomes & Rui Barroso (Portugal) and Kaja & Martin Keil (Estonia, Germany).

Live music will be played during Friday and Saturday concert-milongas. The artists include a quartet Derrotas Cadenas from from Argentina as well as young Estonian musicians.

Organiser: NGO Tango Tallinn,

Valentine Tango workshop Villa Ammende

14 February 2013, Pärnu, Estonia

2 tango workshops & Salon by Lucien & Frauke in Parnu, Estonia, on Valentines day 2013, 14 february. Location is the beautifull art deco Villa of Ammende in Parnu ( 120 km from Tallin)

Participants of this event will get a reduction of 50% in the Double Ocho Festival

More information here:

Nodarbību nedēļas nogale ar Ruben un Sabrina Veliz

26 – 28 Aprīlis (Rīga & Ķekava)
Sadarbībā ar HiCentru, kas laipni piedāvā savas telpas nodarbībām piektdien 26. Aprīlī

8 Nodarbības (katra 90 minūtes)
Mēs piedāvāsim divu dažādu veidu nodarbības: pirmās četras nodarbības būs vērstas uz pamatu tehniku ko katram labam tango dejotājam ir būtiski sev atgādināt – nav svarīgi vai dejo augstā līmenī vai kā iesācējs, tie ir vissvarīgākie: “pamati”. Nodarbības var ņemt kopā kā vienu komplektu, vai arī izvēlēties atsevišķas:

Pamati: augstam, vidējam un progresējušu iesācēju (ne pilnīgu iesācēju) līmeņiem:

  1. Pamati individuālai tehnikai (kā pārvaldīt ķermeņa svaru, asi un kā sasniegt pareizu stāju dejošanas brīdim, šādā veidā atvieglojot kustību izpildīšanu)
  2. Disociācija, tehnika un pielietošana pamat-kustībās kā ocho un pus-griezienā
  3. Komunikācija pārī, jo kustības plūdenums iegūst no uzlabotas informācijas apmaiņas (vadības) un apskāviena ērtuma
  4. Iet labi! Lineāri un apļveida gājieni (treks), tehnika un kombinācijas
  5. Bez tam būs 4 dažādas tematiskas nodarbības 2 līmeņiem – vidēja un augsta līmeņa dejotājiem (lūdzam ievērot līmeņa prasību)

  6. Milonga lisa un ievads traspie (Vidējam līmenim)
  7. Sacadas un barridas (Vidējam līmenim)
  8. Giros, tehnika un kombinācijas (Augstam līmenim)
  9. Valsis, kombinācijas un muzikalitāte (Augstam līmenim)

Cenas ir norādītas par vienu nodarbību un no vienas personas.

WS 1.-4. 30 € 21 LVL
WS 1.-4. Īpaša cena dejotājiem no Baltijas valstīm 25 € 18 LVL
WS 5. -8.* 25 € 18 LVL
WS 5.-8. Īpaša cena dejotājiem no Baltijas valstīm * 20 € 14 LVL

* ja jūs piedalaties vairāk kā 4 nodarbībās, tad atlaide attiecas uz piekto un katru nākošo nodarbību.

Sestdien 27. aprīlī tiks organizēta speciāla milonga Ķekavā, Doles Tautas Namā ar Sabrinas un Rubena Veliz uzstāšanos un ar DJ Evaldas no Lietuvas! Ieeja 5 LVL. Laiks: 21:00 – 3:00
Piektdien 26. Aprīlī mēs kopā ar Sabrinu & Rubenu piedalīsimies tradicionālajā piektdienas milongā HiCentrā.

Nodarbību saraksts

WS Nr. Tēma Līmenis Datums Laiks Vieta
WS1 Individuālās tehnikas pamati Visi 26.4. 18:30 – 20:00 HiCentrs, Riga
WS2 Dissociācija Visi 26.4. 20:15 – 21:45 HiCentrs, Riga
WS3 Komunikācija Visi 27.4. 13:00 – 14:30 DTN, Kekava
WS4 Iet labi! Visi 27.4. 14:45 – 16:15 DTN, Kekava
WS5 Milonga Vidējs 27.4. 16:45 – 18:15 DTN, Kekava
WS6 Sacadas & Barridas Vidējs 28.4. 14:00 – 15:30 DTN, Kekava
WS7 Giros Augsts 28.4. 15:45 – 17:15 DTN, Kekava
WS8 Valsis Augsts 28.4. 17:45 – 19:15 DTN, Kekava

Reģistrācija sūtot vēlamo nodarbību numurus un partnera vārdu + uzvārdu uz epastu:

Lūdzu reģistrējaties ar deju partneriem (ja nepieciešams, lūdzu izmantojiet mūsu partneru meklēšanas lapu). Esiet drosmīgi, tā strādā! Līdz šim esam atraduši partnerus visiem dejotājiem kas mūs uzrunāja pietiekoši laicīgi!

Pēc jūsu pieteikuma saņemšanas jūs saņemsiet maksājuma uzdevumu un pēc tā apmaksas jūsu reģistrācija būs apstiprināta.

Gaidīsim jūsu dalību!

Heidruna & Reinis

Workshop Weekend with Ruben and Sabrina Veliz

26 – 28 April (Riga & Kekava)
In cooperation with HiCentrs, who kindly hosts the workshops on Friday, 26th

8 Workshops (each of them 90 minutes)
We offer two different kinds of workshops: the first four Workshops are addressing basic techniques that are essential for a good tango dancer to remind himself – no matter if being advanced or just a beginner, it’s the most important: “the basics”. You can take them as one package, but you also can choose some of them:

Basics: for advanced, intermediate and advanced beginners (not for absolute beginners):

  1. Basics of the individual technique (how to manage the corporal weight, the axis and to achieve a correct posture to the moment to dance, facilitating this way the movement executions)
  2. Dissociation, technique and application to basic movements, as being ochos and half giro
  3. Communication in the couple, since fluency of movement obtains improving the exchange of information (leading) and the comfort of the embrace
  4. Walking well! Linear and circular treks, technique and combinations
  5. Then we have 4 different thematic workshops for 2 levels intermediate and advanced dancers (please respect the level indication)

  6. Milonga lisa and introduction to the traspie (INT)
  7. Sacadas and barridas (INT)
  8. Giros, technique and combinations (ADV)
  9. Vals, combinations and musicality (ADV)

The prices given are per one lesson per one person.

WS 1st-4th 30 € 21 LVL
WS 1st-4th Special price for dancers from Baltic States 25 € 18 LVL
WS 5th -8th* 25 € 18 LVL
WS 5th-8th Special price for dancers from Baltic States * 20 € 14 LVL

*If you take more than 4 workshops (any), then the reduced rate applies for 5th and each next workshop.

On Saturday, 27 April a special Milonga will be organised in Kekava, culture centre “Doles Tautas Nams” (DTN) with a show of Sabrina and Ruben Veliz and DJ Evaldas from Lithuania! 21:00 – 3:00
Entrance 5 LVL.

On Friday, 26 April we will join with Sabrina & Ruben the traditional Friday’s Milonga at HiCentrs.

Workshop schedule

WS Nr. Topic Level Date Time Location
WS1 Basics of individual technique All 26.4. 18:30 – 20:00 HiCentrs, Riga
WS2 Dissociation All 26.4. 20:15 – 21:45 HiCentrs, Riga
WS3 Communication All 27.4. 13:00 – 14:30 DTN, Kekava
WS4 Walk well! All 27.4. 14:45 – 16:15 DTN, Kekava
WS5 Milonga Intermediate 27.4. 16:45 – 18:15 DTN, Kekava
WS6 Sacadas & Barridas Intermediate 28.4. 14:00 – 15:30 DTN, Kekava
WS7 Giros Advanced 28.4. 15:45 – 17:15 DTN, Kekava
WS8 Vals Advanced 28.4. 17:45 – 19:15 DTN, Kekava

Registration by sending workshop codes (like WS4) and name + surname of you and your partner to

Please register with a partner (approach our partner search function if needed). Be couraged, it works! So far we found partners for all dancers that approached us early enough!

After registration you will receive a payment request and after transferring (or handing over) the fee, your registration is valid.

Looking forward to your participation!

Heidrun & Reinis

Get it solved: Elegance and Beauty for Confidence in Tango and Life

January 2-3, 2013, Riga, Latvia

Tango Workshop for Ladies, Men and Couples
by Ilona Rios (

Venue: Deju studija DanceSTAR, Lāčplēša iela 125, Rīga (map)

Language of instruction: English

„Life, after all, is a Tango – the male and female energy in each of us
engaged in a dance to strike the right balance.
/„The Tao of Tango”, Johanna Siegmann/

Wednesday, January 2

18:00-19:30 WA1

Ilona’s famous Ladies technique “Relaxed walking, cross and small adornos; tips for the own axis and straightening and for correct placing of foot and leg.

20:00-21:30 WB1

Tango technique for COUPLES “Going into contact” – tips for a relaxed close embrace: how close embrace really works?

Thursday, January 3

18:00-19:30 WB2

Tango technique for COUPLES: Turns (giros): dancing the turn WITH each other and not AFTER the other

20:00-21:30 WA2

Ilona’s Special for Leaders: what women (followers) wish from the man (leaders)

Participation fees for workshops (per workshop per person):

1 workshop – 14EUR/10LVL
2 workshops – 13.5EUR/9.5LVL
3 workshops – 13EUR/9LVL

For participation in Workshops

  1. For couples’ workshops WB registration in couples only. You are welcome to use the partner search option at or apply to
  2. Registration by e-mail to: – before Jan 2, 2013
  3. In your mail please indicate the workshop codes (for example: WA1) and your name and surname as well as name and surname of your partner.
  4. Payment must be made by bank transfer (or in cash upon agreement) beforehand to validate the reservation. Payment (bank) details will be sent to you after we receive your registration mail.

Private lessons:

with Ilona Rios available upon request and subject to availability on January 2 and January 3 between 10:00 and 17:00. Please, request at

More information: – please, call +371 20227771.

Ilona Rios

Ilona Rios, a professional in Tango Argentino from Monchengladbach, Germany, dances together with Salvador Rios and are well-known Maestros in Latvia – they have been participating in all Tango Sun Festivals since 2008. Besides this they have also been in Riga for different workshop weekends. They are well-known and beloved by our Tango dancers. Tango ladies in Latvia, for sure, will remember women class with Ilona and Gaia Pisauro from one of the previous Tango Sun Festival!

Ilona and Salvador started to dance and teach tango together in 1998. Since 2008 Ilona uses her experience with Alexander-Technique in her tango lessons. It’s all about how to feel more comfortable in their way to dance and also in their body movements.

Ilona started making her first dance steps in Ball-Room dancing, especially for Latin-Dances. Working for years in dancing Schools, she got a lot of pedagogical experience how to teach in a clear and good didactical way. Her teachers were Ruben Terbalca, Gustavo Naveira, Sergio Molini and Gisela Graef Moreno, Eric Mullerand Jeusa Vasconcelos.

The focus of Ilona’s work is teaching a harmonic and elegant Tango style that allows the students to develop a dynamic and creative Tango on the dance floor. (from

Todo Milonga – workshop for teachers note

30 December 2012, Riga, Latvia

Dear teachers / participants,
for your information – in the teachers workshop “most important aspects in teaching milonga” with Salvador Rios, that will take place as part of Todo Milonga workshop weekend, the milonga will be discussed as an independent dance and a lot of solo exercises will be performed.
For this workshop you can register without a dancing partner, by sending email to

Dārgie skolotāji / dalībnieki,
jūsu informācijai – skolotāju nodarbībā “svarīgākie aspekti mācot milongu”, ko vadīs Salvadors Rioss nodarbību nedēļas nogales Todo Milonga ietvaros, milonga tiks apskatīta kā patstāvīga deja un nodarbībā tiks veikti daudzi solo vingrinājumi.

Šai nodarbībai var reģistrēties (sūtot epastu uz bez deju partnera.

Todo Milonga

29 – 31 December 2012, Riga, Latvia

with Ilona and Salvador Rios

Location: DanceSTAR, Lāčplēša str. 125, Riga (map, gmap)



12:00 – 13:30 WS1 Basics for rhythm and structure of the milonga
13:45 – 15:15 WS2a Men technique milonga – rhythmic and playful ornaments for the man
WS2b Women technique Milonga – discover the world of rhythmic ornaments!
15:45 – 17:15 WS3 Technique and basics for turns in the Milonga
17:30 – 19:00 WS4 Cortes in turns: funny small and quick interruptions of the turning direction


13:00 – 14:30 WS5 Forward Ocho in the Milonga: without Pivots, small but cheeky!
14:45 – 16:15 WS6 Backward Ocho in the Milonga: the challenge lies in the skills of the leader to accompany the ochos
16:45 – 18:15 WS7a Ilona Rios & Ginta Opmane: Milonga nuevo: what is different when dancing milonga with nuevo music? Rhythm and movement
WS7b Salvador Rios: optional: Workshop for teachers: most important aspects in teaching milonga (dancing partner is not required to register for this WS) (optional: private lessons)


13:00 – 14:30 WS8 Milonga dynamics I: simple double beat and interplay with rhythmic
14:45 – 16:15 WS9 Milonga dynamics II: identify sophisticated change of rhythm in the music and how to dance it in an interesting way (for advanced dancers)

Participation fees for workshops (per workshop, per participant):

1-3 workshops: 20€/14 LVL
4-6 workshops: 18€/13 LVL
7+ workshops: 15€/11 LVL

Special Baltic participant fee / speciālā cena dalībniekiem no Baltijas valstīm:

1-3 workshops: 14€/10 LVL
4-6 workshops: 13€/9 LVL
7+ workshops: 12€/8.50 LVL

Registration by e-mail to:
In your mail please indicate the workshop codes (for example: WS3) and your name and surname as well as name and surname of your partner.

Payment must be made by bank transfer (or in cash upon agreement) beforehand to validate the reservation. Payment (bank) details will be sent to you after we receive your registration mail.

This information as download: here

Pieteikšanās pa e-pastu:

Vēstulē lūdzu norādiet nodarbības kodu (piemēram, WS3), jūsu vārdu un uzvārdu kā arī jūsu partnera vārdu un uzvārdu.

Jāveic iepriekšēja apmaksa caur bankas pārskaitījumu (vai skaidrā naudā sarunājot individuāli) lai apstiprinātu reģistrāciju. Maksājuma (bankas) rekvizīti tiks izsūtīti pēc jūsu pieteikšanās e-pasta saņemšanas.

Šī informācija lejupielādei: šeit

New years’ milongas in Riga

28 December 2012 – 1 January 2013, Riga, Latvia

We welcome you to our jointly organized milongas during New Years’ weekend in Riga /
Laipni ielūdzam uz mūsu kopīgi rīkotajām milongām Jaunā Gada nedēļas nogalē Rīgā

Date Time Venue DJ Address Price
28.12 22:00 – 02:00 HiTango Elena Viktorova Maskavas 1 (Map) 2 LVL
You are welcome to bring some snacks (“finger-food” / “groziņš”)
22:00 – 04:00 El Naranjerito Ieva Drēviņa Bruņinieku 47 (Map) 3 LVL
The long weekend starts and the last spiral circle of current tango year closes on December 28 in the club «El Naranjerito». The space of tango orangery will be filled with fresh and round orange smell, joyful faces and sprightly ronda.
All together we will make the annual brilliant events top.
For the first time in the Latvian tango history we will have the pleasure to enjoy live cortinas and of course the beautiful melodies of tango Golden Age epoch selected by charming DJ Ieva Drevina.
Dress with taste, comfortably, with some round and orange accent and take with you some nice, small and round present which could be used for the lottery.

Garā nedēļas nogale sāksies un tango spirāles kārtējā gada aplis noslēgsies īsi pēc pilnmēness iestāšanās 28. decembrī klubā «El Naranjerito». Tango oranžēriju piepildīs spirgts oranžu un apaļu citrusaugļu aromāts, laimīgas sejas un apaļa ronda.
Pirmo reizi Latvijas milongu vēsturē dejotājus priecēs ne tikai DJ Ievas Drēviņas izvēlētās skaistākās zelta laikmeta tango melodijas, bet arī dzīvās cortinas.
Vakara gaitā veidosim 2012. gada dzirkstošāko tango notikumu topu, spirdzināsimies ar vitaminizētiem dzērieniem un gardām uzkodām.
Dress code: gaumīgs, ērts, apaļš, oranžīgs.
Viesi lūgti ņemt līdzi kādu skaisti iesaiņotu apaļu nieku, kurš piedalīsies izlozē.
29.12 21:00 – 01:00 Baltā Pirts Edita Alužiene Tallinas 71 (Map) 2 LVL
You are welcome to a festive milonga in the “White Sauna” (“Baltā pirts”), no dress code is required, just come and dance, dance, dance…
30.12 21:00 – 02:00 HiTango Ivars Ābelis Maskavas 1 (Map) 5 LVL
Let’s create wonderland around us and make surprises to the friends! Alice will meet you in our shared Wonderland, and you could follow the white rabbit, make a smile to the Cheshire cat and participate in the dance of Mad Hatter Dress code: chess or play-cards
Please write us at if you will come to this milonga, so the organizer knows how many guests to receive.
Lūdzu rakstiet mums uz ja nāksiet uz šo milongu, lai organizētājs var atbilstoši sagatavoties ciemiņu uzņemšanai.
31.12 21:00 – 04:00 DanceSTAR Reinis Priednieks / Ginta Opmane Lāčplēša 125 (Map) 8 LVL (till Dec 21) 10 LVL (from 22 Dec)
We have a pleasure of inviting you to celebrate New Year together with friends and tango!
Excellent tandas of classical tango by DJ Reinis, inspiring nuevo hour by DJ Ginta Opmane after midnight.
Midnight Show by Ilona and Salvador Rios (
Dress code: Tango Elegante
Included – seat at a table, Midnight Champagne and appetisers. You are welcome to bring your own snacks according to your taste. Valters’ Buffet availabe for additional catering.
Please register at Advance registration: till Dec 21 – LVL 8 (EUR 11), from Dec 22. – LVL 10 (EUR 14).

Mēs esam pagodināti ielūgt visus tango dejotājus pavadīt Veco Gadu un sagaidīt Jauno Gadu kopā ar draugiem un tango!
Lieliskas klasiskā tango tandas no DJ Reinis un iedvesmojoša Nuevo stunda no DJ Ginta Opmane pēc pusnakts.
Gadumijas šovu dejo Ilona un Salvador Rios (
Dress code: Tango Elegante
Cenā iekļauts – vieta pie galdiņa, Jaungada šampanietis un nelielas uzkodas. Aicinām ņemt līdzi groziņu pēc saviem ieskatiem! Darbosies Valtera bufete.
Reģistrācija –
Dalība, iepriekš reģistrējoties: līdz 21.12. – LVL 8, no 22.12. – LVL 10.
01.01 18:00 – 24:00 El Naranjerito Margita Antonova Bruņinieku 47 (Map) 4 LVL
Rich New Years’ hangover breakfast